Friday Five March 25
Friday Five March 25
Friday, March 25, 2016
Happy Easter weekend! I'm not Catholic, but I do try and participate in Lent every year. This year I gave up chips (specifically Flaming Hot Cheetos) and I'm soooooo excited to finally have them again on Sunday! It's been a long, hard road without them but they've just been replaced with french fries and Milk Duds so that's not any better. Whoops! ONE / #CapsOn Opening Day is almost here!!! It's crazy how quickly the offseason has flown by, I can't believe we're really gearing up for baseball season again. As a huge leave initiative, we're promoting #CapsOn on Opening Day. So grab your favorite baseball hat and show your team pride! MLB will be retweeting and re-gramming photos all day. Who's in?
TWO / Shoe Crazy I've been on a kick (no pun intended) recently for buying shoes. There are just so many great summer sandals coming out I can't help it!! I'm loving these Tory Burch sandals, these Kate Spade espadrilles (the colors are amazing) and these Raye Halle heels!! Can I just have them all??
THREE / 25% off J. Crew 25% off everything!!! Stock up on my favorites like this dress (THE dress), these shorts, this blazer! Just ordered this scallop tank, this dress, pom/stripe shirt.
FOUR / Instagram Update for Bloggers While we're all trying to figure out how this Instagram update will change the way we use and manage the app, Digiday did a great job kind of calming my nerves and explaining how the process will affect bloggers. Hopefully this is true, but only time will tell!
FIVE / Dangerous Woman TOTALLY loving this song. Gah! The A Cappella version is pretty amazing too. ----------- Weekend Plans: Just a lot of relaxing and hanging out with friends. Always so exhausted after traveling that I turn into a crab and just want to sleep all day! Then on Sunday I'll celebrate Easter with Andrew and family! Excited to finally eat chips again :)
Favorite Blogs: Carly looks AMAZING in this post. Not going to lie, I totally bought this swimsuit after seeing her in it. I also have a fuller bust so it's really hard to shop for good-fitting swimsuits that also have nice coverage. Thanks, Carly!!
Recent Purchases: Bought this swimsuit top and bottom. Also snagged these sandals and this beach bag for my trip to Exuma! Already so excited :) I'm close to getting this dress as well!! 
4.4.16. #CapsOn— MLB (@MLB) March 24, 2016