Friday, June 3, 2016
Krista Robertson, Covering the Bases,Travel Blog, NYC Blog, Preppy Blog, Style, Fashion Blog, Travel, Fashion, Style, NYC, Moving to NYC, NYC Apartments, Life In NYC

Krista Robertson, Covering the Bases,Travel Blog, NYC Blog, Preppy Blog, Style, Fashion Blog, Travel, Fashion, Style, NYC, Moving to NYC, NYC Apartments, Life In NYC
Krista Robertson, Covering the Bases,Travel Blog, NYC Blog, Preppy Blog, Style, Fashion Blog, Travel, Fashion, Style, NYC, Moving to NYC, NYC Apartments, Life In NYC
Krista Robertson, Covering the Bases,Travel Blog, NYC Blog, Preppy Blog, Style, Fashion Blog, Travel, Fashion, Style, NYC, Moving to NYC, NYC Apartments, Life In NYC
Krista Robertson, Covering the Bases,Travel Blog, NYC Blog, Preppy Blog, Style, Fashion Blog, Travel, Fashion, Style, NYC, Moving to NYC, NYC Apartments, Life In NYC
Krista Robertson, Covering the Bases,Travel Blog, NYC Blog, Preppy Blog, Style, Fashion Blog, Travel, Fashion, Style, NYC, Moving to NYC, NYC Apartments, Life In NYC
Krista Robertson, Covering the Bases,Travel Blog, NYC Blog, Preppy Blog, Style, Fashion Blog, Travel, Fashion, Style, NYC, Moving to NYC, NYC Apartments, Life In NYC

One of the really fun things about having a blog is being able to look back and read where you were at each point in your life. For me, those posts are my anniversary posts. It's crazy to think I've been here officially for three years now. Crazy because in the grand scheme of things, three years isn't really a long time but yet so much has life has been lived. 

My first year was kind of a really big blur. It was the first year officially on my own (aka no school) and it was really just like a big summer vacation. I was going out a lot, meeting new people, exploring what life had to offer and just waiting for it to end... as summer vacations do. But of course, it didn't and that was weird for me.

It's always weird doing one thing your entire life and then suddenly not. School, while it was not my favorite, was over and this fantasy real world life started to set in as a reality. I guess there's no place do better do that then in the city.

The second year was less of a blur but it sure did go by quick. I think that was the hardest year for me just because there was a lot of adjustments to be made. Finding out what works and what doesn't for you and your life involves a lot of trial and error -- ups and downs. 

I remember I was really unhappy at work that second year and I found that when you're unhappy at the place you spend most of your life, it takes a major toll on everything else. You can kind of tell my overall mood towards the city (and life) in my two year post -- I was just kind of there at this milestone with (what I felt like) nothing to show.

I even remember writing it and being in this sour mood thinking that maybe I was being too dark or harsh. Looking back I'm happy I kept the emotions real because now I can look back and remember that feeling in that time and place. Even years down the road I'll look back and appreciate it.

But of course, year two wasn't all bad. For the most part I live a very happy life and my complaints are very "first world" and dumb. Just saying that out of the three years, year two was the hardest. It's not always rainbows and sunshine over here guys! 

So here we are, year three in the books. How am I feeling now? Older, wiser, healthier (mentally hahah the flaming hot Cheetos would say otherwise for my physical self), happier, at peace, smarter, independent, excited, grateful, hopeful, eager. 

Maybe it's been a really good past couple of months for me but I'm on top of the world. There is nothing I can't do and there is no goal I can't accomplish. I'm happy at work, in all my relationships, on the blog, at home, financially... in every aspect of my life. Everyday I get to do what I love with the people I love in a city (gasp) I love!

You heard it here first guys, I love this city. I've fallen head over heels, I drank the coolaid and I'm all in on a place I never wanted to be in the first place. Crazy how that happens, right? I kept giving myself this time table of living here and experiencing things just looking for a way to get out. Every time I tried, the city pulled me right back in with this all consuming hug and vowed to never let me go.

Eventually I gave in and realized that maybe this is where I'm supposed to be. Maybe I should stop trying to plan my life and just live it. So I did. I gave in, saw what New York had to offer and I'm all in. I'm not trying to leave anymore -- I'm trying to stay. I'm trying to plant roots and make a life for myself here. It's working and it's awesome.

Things that have changed? Well I found a way to actually start saving money in the most expensive place to live, I am a regular subway rider, I finally grasped my East from West, I learned how to balance life, how to love and how to be loved and I finally learned how to swim (metaphorically-- I'm a pro swimmer in the water).

Reading back on my first and second year anniversary I kept referring to living in New York City to learning how to swim. I still very much appreciate that analogy because it's really true. You're kind of thrown into this thing you have no idea how to survive in and you are doing everything in your power to not drown and just stay above the water. Once you get used to it, learn and understand how this all works, you learn how to swim.

So I'm swimming guys. Doing flips off the diving board, playing marco polo (does anyone actually like this game?) and having tea date at the bottom of the pool. Life is good and I can't wait to see what year four has in store for me.

One thing I did last year that I really loved was to set ideas (goals) for myself in the coming year. I'll copy and paste last years list below taking off the things I accomplished, editing the things I want to see continue to grow and adding new items:

By this time next year I'd like to....
...get another promotion at work
...see the blog continue to grow
...cook more food
...have traveled to Europe closer with my baby niece 
...go to bed earlier
...dedicate more time to YouTube closer relationships with those I love

Thanks so much for supporting me over these past years, it means the world to me!



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