Monday, January 23, 2017

New Year, same me! Just a slightly better, healthier version? I wanted to share how I'm switching things up in the new year and talk about the goals I have put in place (to hold me accountable but also to help you put attainable goals in place for yourself as well!)


LL Bean: Grey Pullover (similar) / Nike: Dri-FIT Top Zella: Leggings / Nike: Black Sneakers / Ray Ban: Aviators / S'well: Water Bottle

First off it was so much fun shooting these images with Andrew. I of course loved my outfit but it was fun to actually move around and get active during a shoot! I also got to test out these leggings and I'm pretty sure I need them in every color ever.

They were not only really cute but extremely comfortable and great for jumping around in. I'm convinced the more cute workout clothes you have, the more you will workout. Right? If so, I need to do some shopping!

In all seriousness, I wanted to sit down and write about what my fitness goals are for this year. It might look totally different than the other goals you see out there but that's mainly because I'm not looking to lose weight or dramatically change anything. I'm looking to become healthier and in turn happier (if that is even possible!).

I think setting realistic goals for the new year is part of what make them stick. Think about your life now and the bad habits you may do and the good habits you may slack off with. Then think about reasonable and attainable goals to change them.

While all of my goals might not speak to you directly, I hope it'll will showy to think outside the box and come up with creative ways to live a healthier lifestyle!


1. Drink More Water: For the most part I am great about drinking water. I don't drink soda, coffee or really anything but water during the week. I just simply love to taste of water and pretty much hate everything else.

I bring in a big (like really big) water bottle and fill it up multiple times during the day. Where I struggle is when I get home. I just simply forget to drink enough water. So that by the time I go to bed I'm dehydrated. Same thing happens in the morning. I wake up, do my routine, hop on a bike to work and by the time I'm sitting down with my first glass of water, it's 10am. 

So my goal this year is to drink more water before and after work. Especially to drink a glass right before I go to bed (get it down while I'm reading) and another one right when I wake up. I think it will help me kickstart and better end my days. 

2. Start Swimming Again: A lot of you don't know but back in the day I was a swimmer. I loved swimming and even held a few records for meets in California. I love to swim and I swear there is no better workout than swimming -- you hit cardio and your muscles in a good clean way.

I'm very lucky to have a indoor pool in my building and I've used it a handful of times but haven't in the new year. It's a great pool -- has 5 lanes, always clean and has all the swim accessories you could ever want. So now it's up to me to get back to it. 

3. Cut Out Cabs: This of course is a New York City problem, but nonetheless a goal for 2017. I'm proud to say I don't use cabs as much as I used to, but I'd still like to cut them out almost completely. I want to be able to ride my bike or walk to where I need to go.

In the new place, I ride my bike to and from work on most days (but never when it's raining) and I've opted to walk more in the past few weeks. I'll throw on a podcast or a comedy show and start walking. Surprisingly the time flies by and I feel great afterwords. Just need to do it more!

4. Go to Bed Early: This is a goal that translates into other goals... If I go to bed early, I'll wake up early and possibly work out. I would seriously love nothing more than to be a morning workout person but I'm barely a snooze only three times person. I have a feeling it comes from the amount of sleep I get and the time I fall asleep at night so I'm looking to change it from the ground up.

Also, going to bed early is just overall great for you and your body. It's just a larger lifestyle change because it now means to do everything earlier, to time manage better and etc....

5. Take Advantage of Classes: What is also so great about my building is our gym offers free classes (well not free free, you pay a yearly fee) taught by actual paid instructors. There are spin, swim, yoga and pilates classes, totally body workouts, conditioning and abs classes (to name a few) all at my fingertips.

I just need to get over my anxiety of going to a class for the first time and not knowing what I'm doing (yes I feel like we all have that fear). 


So those are my goals for 2017! I think they are totally attainable -- which is best when setting goals -- and I would love to keep you all updated on my progress each month. I would also love to hear what your goals are for 2017 and how you plan on keeping them!



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