Friday, March 3, 2017
Not going to lie it's been a weird week for me. I've just been really "off" lately, super emotional and have strayed away from my normal everyday to-do list (really I've been MIA from my normal life). I'm off to Chicago this weekend and it couldn't have come at a better time. Excited to share the good parts of my week with you all below!
Shopping: Guys, I didn't do ANY shopping this week. How weird is that? There were times were I was going to but to be completely honest (this is going to sound so weird) my sister just moved into the most amazing new house and it totally got me thinking. I live in a very expensive area and I'll need a lot of money for a down payment, which will probably come in my early 30s. So I'm starting to really save. And save a lot. I literally pick up a bag and I'm like this or a house? House usually wins. Does this mean I'm an adult? 

Reading: I haven't picked up a book ALL week but I'm going to start The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena on my flight today!

P.S! I'm going to post my February reading list next week and include a link up to other reading lists for the month. EMAIL/TWEET/COMMENT BELOW with your link if you want to be included!

NYC Life: I gave up gluten for Lent and while I knew it would be hard, I'm so happy to find so many of my normal places in the city have GF options. A more in-depth post will be up next week!

Weekend Plans: I'm off to Chicago with Andrew to see the family and to also see Hamilton! I'm so excited. It's going to be so much fun.

Most Popular Item this Week: The scallop suede jacket shown above!

Throwback Post: Not the biggest throwback of all time but it's become more relevant: My Swimsuits from Maui

Favorite Finds:
-This lace dress (under $100) looks just like the self portrait one for $400!!
-An amazing embroidered clutch for your next warm weather vacation
-One shoulder is coming back in style and this stripe blue and white top is calling my name

Favorite Blogger Post: How cute is Kate in this blue and white wrap top!!

Song of the Week: "Still Feel Like Your Man" by John Mayer (thanks to Taylor for the fun find!)

A Must Read: I was really excited to hear about YouTube TV but this article kind of pointed out the flaws and holes for it all. I guess it's just too good to be true :(

A Must Watch: Jenna Marbles "My Boyfriend Teaches me Jiu Jitsu" I LOVE Jenna always and this video had me crying laughing at work.



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