Tuesday, July 12, 2016
The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

Eek! Who's wallets are ready for the Nordstrom anniversary sale THIS WEEK?! I've been trying to save up for this (seriously) because I know how good these deals can be. I always snag a really great designer bag during this sale and stock up on some killer booties for fall.
I thought it would be really fun to share some tips and tricks I do (and have done for about every sale, ever) with you guys today. Pray gingham transitions into fall *praise hands emojis*

ONE / See What You Already Have
One of the most helpful things I can do before a major sale is to look into my own closet and see what I already have. I buy a ton of staple pieces that can go season after season without going out of style so I'll know to not buy another white blouse (but who am I kidding, I probably will).
You haven't seen your fall wardrobe in some time now so it's always a good refresher so you don't stock up on three more ponchos when you already have five from last season that you only wore once!

TWO / Figure Out What You Want
With that, you also need to look over and see what you don't have in your closet that you maybe want for this season. Maybe you didn't buy those perfect black booties last year because you had a great pair that have since seen better days. Now's the time to stock back up!
Look back at old blog posts, favorite Pinterest boards, anything to get some inspiration for looks you want to recreate this fall. It's also SUPER helpful to look at the Nordstrom catalog for some key pieces that will be on sale. Yes that purse you've had your eye on is going to be in the sale and yes you need to start saving for it!
THREE / Shop Early
Early access to the sale is KEY to getting the good stuff. I remember last year so many people missed out on great sales because they weren't able to shop early access. Aka the ultimate #fomo. So there are two ways to make sure you don't miss out: 
1 - sign up for a Nordstrom credit/debit card. I personally love their debit card because it's so easy to use but if you're in the market for a new CC, more power to you!
2 - reach out to your best friend, parents, or siblings! Sharing is caring and getting in is too important to miss. You can set up payment before to make sure all goes perfectly.
FOUR / Shop Often
I do this with all sales but my trick is when it first hits shop around like you normally would and buy the things you want to buy! THEN after your adrenaline has slowed down and a few hours have passed by, shop again. See what you might have missed the first time around. It helps! I find so many hidden gems that I skimmed over last time because I was in too much of a rush.

FIVE / Remember Nordstrom has free shipping & returns!
The BEST part about Nordstrom is their shipping and return policy. Since we don't have a Nordstrom in the city, I buy a ton of stuff online and then end up returning half of it. It's like a at home dressing room. That way I can truly see what works for me and test it out in normal life (aka my living room lighting opposed to the dressing room light). If it doesn't work out, mail it on back. That simple! 
Reminder the early access sale starts the 14th (aka THIS THURSDAY) and ends on the 21st. Public access begins on the 22nd and goes until August 7th! Any other tips or tricks that you do that I should know about? I'm all ears!!



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